Prescription label warning

I took a pill for depression. The first side effect was that I had to paint a stranger’s house red. There were different side effects each time I took my depression prescription medication. Another side effect was that I had to get a colorful tattoo of a bull goring a matador as a sleeve on my right arm. My least favorite side effect after downing a pill was searching for gold teeth at the bottom of the Ohio River. I ended up finding three gold molars. I sold all three at a pawn shop for peanuts, which I then fed to my gluttonous neighbor, who reminded me of a starving elephant.  



As advertised

When I saw a herd of camels on fire a few hundred meters away, 
I called my first cousin, who was a rainmaker. 
We spoke for twenty seconds, then I hung up, ready to save the day. 
Immediately after I finished the ritual as instructed,
a meteorite crashed into the camels, wiping them out 
and momentarily blinding me. I called my cousin back.
“Did it work?” 
Before I could reply, it started to rain.
“Yes,” I said. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Then, my cousin hung up. 



Feliz cumpleaños 

A monstrous hand reached through the concrete wall to try and take my soul, but it took Johnnie’s soul instead. It happened at my forty-third birthday celebration. Somehow, I was to blame. That always seemed to be the public opinion around these parts. Let’s blame Steven for every strange occurrence. Like when a meteor decimated the nearby town of Albinder. The local paper tried to place the blame solely on my shoulders because I had publicly cursed that Godforsaken place at the local watering hole while drinking the night prior. That was pure coincidence. I had also blessed the nearby town of Markin, and apart from the one thousand frogs made out of pure gold that appeared in the city center a mere three hours after I blessed it, nothing good ever became of that saintly town.



Steve Castro's debut poetry collection, Blue Whale Phenomena, was published by Otis Books, 2019 (Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA). Poetry in Water~Stone Review; Plume; Forklift, Ohio; Green Mountains Review; DIAGRAM; The Florida Review; Eye to the Telescope; etc. Three Distinguished Pushcart Contributing Editors –– Maura Stanton (2014), Bob Hicok (2020), and Christopher Citro (2021) –– have nominated Steve Castro for a Pushcart Prize. Maura Stanton wrote, "Steve Castro is a contemporary surrealist in the spirit of James Tate and Russell Edson and Charles Simic." Birthplace: Costa Rica.