Selections from “Wool on Foam”

“The Wool on Foam portraits are tied to my experience of quarantine and recent trauma. Weaving inanimate fibers into faces brings me comfort and helps deal with the issues. These portraits are delicate and vulnerable and resonate with my own precarious situation. We live in fragile times, and I feel the need to find new materials and the mindset to reinvent my practice. Wool brings warmth and intimacy to these portraits,  and plays with provoking the nurture instinct. Making male portraits with this habitually perceived feminine material, is part of a personal journey in re-interpreting the masculine condition. My aim is to make full volume sculptures in wool and develop some of the ideas out of this initial project.” ~ Salman Khoshroo


Salman Khoshroo, born 1983 in Iran, spent his childhood years in New York. After a few intermittent years in Iran he went to study in the Australian National University, where he received his degree in Digital Art. He currently lives and works in Iran since 2004.
