Topography of the Desert

to Mar


tell me



                                                            of the desert   

of succulents


of their slow thirst

                                                           of the stoicism


             of what needs little










the topography 

                                                     of a space          
of the infinite
                                                                   ] present [ 



life in the sway   

of the void


                                                                        made stones 


                                             smooth surface
                                                                                    waves of what burns

                                                            with the pleasure


of its





fernando xáuregui is from a blue-collar family of Mexican immigrants. From a good friend, he has taken the moniker and identity of crypto-poet. He writes, translates, and teaches in Southern California. He has been published in Fence, The Acentos Review, The Red Lemon Review, Mantis, and Dryland.